OK, time to get that birthday tribute off the top of the page. Thanks for all the well-wishes, and in the words of the Stones, thank you for the wine, California (actually the thanks go to esteemed TK reader Kelly; California only grew the grapes). I woke up feeling strangely fine the morning that 40 came, suddenly and inexplicably liberated from two weeks of sinister seasonal allergies and a small viral thing the kids and I had been lobbing around like a softball. Pollen, you can keep me down no more! I am middle-aged, hear me roar!
In addition to providing this tribute, my friend and co-pilot Trip sent a package designed to plug some egregious holes in the record collection (yes, it’s true that I had never owned Guitar Town; there is no excuse). Some highlights from that bounty are featured in the videos below.
Trip has been doing the heavy lifting here of late, from the five-star SXSW reports to an upcoming feature that’s a real coup for us (details to follow). I’ve not been all that inspired lately, but mostly I’ve been up to my hips in non-profit fundraising. If anyone wants to sponsor a program that boosts the achievement of economically disadvantaged elementary school students, or if you have five, six or (even) seven figures to contribute to a sensational arts and technology education center for at-risk urban youth, let me know. And if you could toss a few bucks in United Way’s direction, that would be nice, too.
Fear not, though, as I am working to retrieve my rock and roll mojo. I recently saw Mick Jones (the punk rock Paul McCartney) with Carbon/Silicon, and I’m slated to catch the ever-sublime Spoon this weekend. I’m awash in high-quality new releases (thumbs up for She & Him, Jason Collett, The Whigs and Los Campesinos!), and I’m looking forward to the ridiculous next few months that will bring new platters from The Hold Steady, Sloan, Alejandro Escovedo, The Roots, T Bone Burnett, Death Cab for Cutie, Elvis Costello, My Morning Jacket and Dr. Dog, among many, many others. Plus, I just finished this very funny bookabout spending eighteen months on the corporate rock hamster wheel. It is highly recommended summer reading.