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It was such a gorgeous day today, I pulled myself away from the sewing machine to spend the day out of doors.
I found these metal bed frames at thrift stores over the winter months.
It is now time to put them to work in the garden.

Brad set up wooden fence posts in the back yard to hold up the bed frames while I painted them.

First coat is........Primer

These young yearling calves find anything we do in the yard just fascinating!
We are a spectator sport...

Calves......just over the fence

The calves were very interested in the paint spray can.

5 Bed Frames........a beautiful sage green color

Gunnr is always good company when I am outdoors.
CLICK HERE to view what I do with the painted bed frames.
CLICK HERE to view my New Work.
CLICK HERE to view my flowers.
May Your Garden be full of Bed Frames,