Most quilters travel with their supplies.
To lighten the load......I use a travel iron.
It takes up less space and is much lighter in weight than a full size iron
Click Images to Enlarge:

Travel Iron Cozy

Insulated with heat resistant silver lining
I don't need to wait around after class for the iron to cool off.
I can unplug the very hot iron and put it directly into this cozy.
The outside of the cozy will remain cool and I can pack it in with the rest of my supplies.

Supply List:
Fabric for Outside 12 x 15 inches
Insulbrite Batting for middle layer 12 x 15 inches
Silver Heat Resistant Fabric for bottom layer 12 x 15 inches
Zipper 12 inches or larger
Nylon Strapping 12 inches

Silver lining on bottom (silver side face down)
Insulbrite Heat Resistant Batting in Middle
Decorator Fabric on the top

Baste all 3 layers together with straight pins

On the 12 inch side...
Place zipper pretty side down, 1/4 inch in from edge.
Using a zipper foot, stitch down the right side of the zipper

Unzip the zipper and place the left side of the zipper face down and stitch it to the left side of the cozy

Leaving the zipper unzipped...
Topstitch the back side of the zipper.
(it is thick and you will have to press with your fingers to hold all the layers down while you are top stitching.

Sew a second line of top stitching just to the left of the zipper.
These keeps everything neat and nice and flat.

At this can zip it up and admire your work.
It will be a big tube open on both ends.

Turn the tube inside out... keep the zipper zipped up
Fold in half to find the center.....mark it with a pin (see pink pin)

Fold the bag so the zipper and pink pin line up.

Fold the Nylon Strapping in half and pin the raw edges together.

Place the strap inside the cozy.....raw edges facing outward.
It will be centered where the pink pin was.
Pin in place.

Sew the top end of the cozy.
I double stitch over the zipper area to reinforce it.

Sew the bottom end. fold the bag with the zipper facing toward you.
This gives the bag the perfect shape to hold the iron.
Psst.....did you remember to unzip the zipper half way before you sewed the bottom?

Trim off any excess zipper

Turn the bag right side out and admire your work...

Make lots of iron cozies for your friends......they will love you for it!
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CLICK HERE to see Contemporary Quilts
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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,