I loved this album based on the cover alone. Danny George Wilson (former Grand Drive kingpin) leads the Champions of the World (might as well aim big) through nine freewheeling folk spirituals that sound like they were recorded in one room, with one mic, in one take. Wilson sings like a less adenoidal Neil Young fronting Room to Roam-era Waterboys and each song is gently flecked with plonky banjo, luscious pedal steel and it all seems effortless.
Those who loved Ronnie Lane's Faces contributions and especially his solo stuff will recognize kindred spirits - there's a ramshackle, raggle-taggle feel to the Champions' gentle nostalgia that is hypnotic and life-affirming. So far not available in the U.S., Danny And The Champions of The World's Streets of Our Time is available from U.K.'s Loose Records.
Danny And The Champions of The World - "Henry The Van" (from Streets of Our Time)
Those who loved Ronnie Lane's Faces contributions and especially his solo stuff will recognize kindred spirits - there's a ramshackle, raggle-taggle feel to the Champions' gentle nostalgia that is hypnotic and life-affirming. So far not available in the U.S., Danny And The Champions of The World's Streets of Our Time is available from U.K.'s Loose Records.
Danny And The Champions of The World - "Henry The Van" (from Streets of Our Time)