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Day 65 - The District Attorneys - "Splitsville"

Everything about The District Attorneys screams "FUN", from their cheeky name , to their myspace info (sounds like "Plain Cheese Pizza" and influences "Love Wars Baby"), to the goofball facebook pictures. And indie rock fun is an elusive and tricky commodity that seems to be in short supply these days. But FUN plus songwriting chops and a slapdash production that includes gang vocals (and why don't more bands use them?), a little banjo, wooooaaaahs aplenty, and guitar sounds borrowed form the late, great Rave-Ups make "Splitsville" a freewheeling feel-good anthem for the relationship-challenged that walk among us.

And since it's 2010 and impossible to overcome internet overload, promising young bands (actually bands of all age) are forced to share their songs for free. And that's just what the D.A.'s have done, throwing y'all a bone by giving away their spiffy 7 song EP, Orders From..." for free right here. You've been served.

The District Attorneys - "Splitsville"

The District Attorneys - "The Deep End of You And Me"