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~Glamour Whore PSA: Do Not Purchase This Product~

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“Your optimistic eyes seem like paradise, to someone like me.”
-Depeche Mode

I really hate writing bad reviews. I mean really really hate it. Not because I'm an overly nice person. I'm cool when I wanna be but no one is nominating me for sainthood. It's just that every product has someone behind it who thought their idea was a stroke of genius. Even the horrible products... I wouldn't want someone callously trashing my creations so I try not to trash anyone else's. If absolutely necessary I will write it in the form of constructive criticism. This time however... I have no choice but to be brutally blunt. Because someone could lose an eye. Literally.

That being said, let's get this over with...

"Glamour Whore's Public Service Announcement. Do Not Purchase This Product":

Last Saturday I acquired L'Oreal's Double Extend Eye Illuminator Mascara in "Black Copper". At the time I was really excited to try it because the overlay wand color was glittery. You know what a sucker I am for glitter. So while at work I created a fab look using my new product. While applying my "face" my co-worker Remelda saw the mascara and announced she had also had the new product. Like me, she also was eager to apply the new mascara and did so. At first my biggest issue was my immense disappointment. The black mascara end of the product was great but the glittery overlay was a waste of time. It did nothing. Barely any glittery effect at all. And it didn't bring out my hazel eyes as promised. I wish my disappointment ended there. However, it did not. My left eye started to itch about an hour after application and by the time I arrived home from work and washed my face my eye was red, swollen, tearing and itchy. A nightmare. My eye also felt "gritty". I thought "Great. The glitter that couldn't be seen on my lashes is making it's presence known inside my eyelid." I though a simply eye flush would solve the problem. Wrong. Eye flushes, eye drops, cold compress, warm compress, ice... NOTHING WORKED. It got so much worse in fact. On Monday when I went work I was showing my co-worker who had the same product and found out she had the same problem. All of my same symptoms. The eye flushing was however working for her and all she had was slight redness by Monday. But both of us?! No coincidence. My nightmare has continued all week. My eye got continuously worse. I was actually waking up with it sealed shut from discharge...so gross. And admittedly a little scary. So... I finally saw a doctor yesterday. He said whatever was stuck in my eye from the product caused an infection. A strain of "pink eye" to be exact. He recommended a specific brand of eye drops sold strictly for pink eye and said I would no longer be contagious after my eye stopped tearing/discharging, which would take less than 24hrs. Finally this ordeal will be over soon. If it had just been me I might think it was an unfortunate fluke but because my co-worker suffered eye ailments also after using the exact same product I feel obligated to tell my readers/friends/family/co-workers and especially my fellow MUAs to avoid this product at all costs. L'oreal may want to go back to the lab and work on this product a little bit more before someone loses an eye.

The product:

The deadly wand:

My eye. Swollen and red. And it had a horrible "hooded" effect that was far from flattering:

My savior!!!:

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo