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New Music: Hogni, Shill, Lissy Trullie

A few shares from the inbox.

First is Hogni, an artist from some place called the Faroe Islands (you got me). Don't know much about him, but I know he likes to mix the drums loud. Sort of Peter, Bjorn & John meets Beck.

Hogni, "Soul Company"

Shill is a trio from Nashville, but the sound is more New York, especially the singer's oh-so-Tom-Verlaine warble (that's a good thing). The album, In There Somewhere, is available now.

Shill, "Pick a Fight"

Speaking of New York, Trip and I are both digging Self-Taught Learner, the new EP from the Big Apple's own Lissy Trullie. The literature refers to Lissy as both a "she" (imagine Patti Smith with way more cool detachment) and a "they" (a four-piece calling to mind The Strokes with a little less cool detachment). Whatever "it" is, it's good.

Lissy Trullie, "Boy Boy"