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Bed Frames & Bedding

If I can't be sewing, then I want to be gardening.

This time of year I have to split my time up between the two. Spring has arrived here in western Oregon and the yard work is starting to call me outdoors. My project today was to prime and paint brass bed frames. I found them over the winter at second hand stores for $5 each.
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This frame was half primered before I remembered to get the camera out and take a few photos of my progress. The brass is just too bright, so I decided to tone it down a bit with some green paint.

Brad set posts in the yard and leaned the frames up so I could paint on both sides.

The frames looked great just standing there in a row in the backyard. If the paint wasn't wet, I would have draped a few quilts over them for a photo shoot!

We found 3 cans of green paint in the garage........each can was a different shade of sage green, so each bed frame is a different color..........I like that too. I am not big on matchy matchy in my quilting fabrics, and I guess I feel the same way about paint colors as well.

This is a king size frame and will make a perfect flowerbed fence out by the Thread Shed.

Some of the hollyhocks by the Thread Shed grow taller than the roof top. These bed frames will be the perfect support for such tall flowers.

Have you priced flower or garden fencing? It would cost a great deal to fence the 20 foot stretch down the side of the Thread Shed. And......the fencing is so flimsy it wouldn't hold up those 8 foot tall hollyhocks. These 4 bed frames cost a total of $20 and will make a perfect flowerbed fence.

We made time to mulch around the grape arbor Brad built a few years ago. After 3 years, the grape vines are producing yummy grapes, and gorgeous red and purple leaves in the fall. Alongside the arbor is a patch of lavender and 2 blueberry bushes. I don't have time for weeding, so we heavily mulch all the beds in the spring and fall.

There was still time leftover to clean out the hen house and fill it with fresh bedding. The hens seemed to enjoy it.

This is the front side of the Thread Shed. It has fresh mulch to keep down the weeds. The camelia is blooming now. The soaker hose is stretched out and ready for irrigation.

It's never officially Spring until we hang up the owls. They keep the birds from building nests on the house, garage and thread shed.

I am hoping to get out to the Thread Shed soon to get in my quilting fix. But I need to scrub the paint and dirt out from under my finger nails first.

p.s. To see more flower and garden images Click HERE

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,