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Quilt Slideshow

Suzy is my quilting companion out in the Thread Shed. The hum of the sewing machines puts her right to sleep. Click on image above to enlarge it.

Today she helped me put together a slideshow of my more recent quilts. There are several quilts from a few years ago, but the majority of them were created in 2008, and most of them are original designs.

I've never been much good at following directions......... I start out innocently enough purchasing a commercial quilt pattern, rarely open it up to look at the directions, and eventually create my own design. My aversion to reading directions has made me realize I have a new passion for design work.

Click on Quilt Slideshow to view my recent work.

p.s. To see more Slideshows Click HERE

Bye For Now,
LuAnn & Suzy in The Thread Shed