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Painting Fabric...

Painting Fabric.....Play Day!

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Here are a few pieces that I painted yesterday...

Fabric is approx 21 x 30 inches
Fits nicely on a foam core board during the painting process.

I hung them on the line this morning because I thought it would be easier to photograph them that way...

Yup....as soon as I did....a strong wind came in and blew them around like the sails on a boat!

Sponged Summer Sky

Salted and Folded to dry

Sun Dyeing
I placed a table runner on top of the wet paint, then put it out in the sun to dry.
Came out better than I had hoped for...

Desert Sunset

Autumn Sunset

Sunset over the Ocean
Salt sprinkled over the lower portion

Leftover paint....
Painted in horizontal lines, then folded the fabric accordion style and left to dry.

Mountains or Rocks

After painting, the fabric was scrunched up and put in the sun to dry.
Creates hills and valleys for the paint to accumulate.

Leftover Paint....
I used all of the leftover green paints, then folded it and left it in the sun to dry.

Ground up Walnut Shells
This piece is still drying...
I sprinkled ground up walnut shells on the wet paint, then put it out in the sun to dry.
Hoping the shells will act as a resist?

Bubble Wrap
I placed bubble wrap under the fabric...then painted and salted it.
Hoping the bubble wrap will cause hills and valleys and texturize the piece.

Clean Up Cloth

I just couldn't bare to throw out the leftover paints...
I scrunched up a piece of fabric and poured the last of the paints all over it.
I swiped it here and there with the brushes and sponges.
After it dries I will iron it and post a photo of it.
Clean up Cloths are my favorite!


He is keeping an eye on the last few pieces drying outside...
Just to make certain the birds don't fly over and make a deposit on them!

CLICK HERE to view my newest Painted Fabrics

CLICK HERE to view Adventures in Quilting Series

CLICK HERE to view what's on the Design Wall

CLICK HERE to see the Thread Shed

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,