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Challenge Project.......Part 6

The deadline is looming for this Challenge Quilt...

I have been working on it, but haven't been able to share much with you...

The members of my challenge group read this blog, so I don't want to spoil the BIG REVEAL.

Click to Enlarge Images:

All of the applique has been fused down and the borders are on...

It is basted together...
This is the backing
Iris at the top and lupine on the bottom portion

I drew a chalk line to help me with placement as I free motion quilt the background.

The flowers are all quilted...

This YLI Green Variations thread should work nicely on the green leaves at the bottom of the quilt...

Lots of overlapping leaves and flower petals shapes are a challenge to quilt around.
The green thread is a good fit on the leaves.

Time to quilt the background areas:

I chose a purple variegated thread...
It is dark enough not to compete with all of the bold applique work,
yet bright enough to be able to see.
p.s. I tried black thread first.....it wasn't visible at all.

This completes the quilting on the interior of the quilt.

Time to quilt the borders...
I chose a burgundy variegated thread for the border feathers.
I made it all the way around the borders.

It is 9pm...
I am hungry and tired and ready to go back into the house for the night.

Tomorrow I will hyper-quilt the border with 24 KT thread...

More to Come~

CLICK HERE to view all the Challenge Quilt Posts

CLICK HERE to view my Apple Core Quilt

CLICK HERE to view my Quilted Bags

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full of Challenges,