The other day our daughter E.T., 7 years old, asked about Elvis and as we were by the computer I got Youtube open and searched for the '68 Comeback Special. Soon we were watching the opening section of the show, Elvis singing Trouble in black shirt and red neckerchief, jet black hair and tanned skin, then seguing into Guitar Man with the banks of guitarists behind him shot in silhouette against bright white lights. Woah, I'm saying to her, look at that. To be fair, E.T. stayed the course, watched the clip and then wandered off pretending to be unimpressed, saying 'he died from too many burgers'. Mrs Swiss and myself however were left floored by the '68 Comeback Special, as I am whenever I see it. Stunning performance. Totally staged, hyper choreographed, cynical TV opportunism by Colonel Tom obviously, but stunning performance. I'll say it again, stunning. Audio track below.
I'm left wondering if and where I could get away with wearing the black shirt and red neckerchief. Without looking like a total dick.
01 Trouble-Guitar Man.wma
I'm left wondering if and where I could get away with wearing the black shirt and red neckerchief. Without looking like a total dick.
01 Trouble-Guitar Man.wma