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Our home along the Big Elk River has a definite impact on the quilts I create for my husband and two sons. The beauty of the river, the hills, fields and surrounding area all end up being a part of my quilts.
Click on each image to enlarge it and see details.....

"Strength & Courage" was created for my youngest son who knows every inch of the river below our house, every beaver den and where all the best fishing holes can be found. As a child his cowboy hat always had an eagle feather in it that he found laying along the river banks. The river was his second home, and his quilt reflects his love of the outdoors.
"Cabin in the Woods" was created for my husband. It contains the douglas fir tree that is so prominent in our part of the state, as well as the elk, deer, beaver and salmon that swim up the river each year.

"Big Bear" was made for my oldest son, who has always had an admiration for bears. On my way home from town late one afternoon, I came around a corner just in time to see a black bear on the road, he stood up, looked at me and climbed the hill on the other side of the road. The border on this quilt is the bear paw block set on point, which seems to move in a clockwise direction, as if running around the quilt.

Take a look around you.......what do you see.........would it make a great starting point for your next quilt?
Use your inspiration to jump in and begin......sometimes the beginning is the hardest part of all.
Just get going and design something you are inspired by.........then sit back, quietly, patiently..........the quilt will tell you what it needs if you just take the time to listen.

Click on each photo to enlarge it and see the detail....

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,