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How did a Sunday lunchtime drink turn into a double bill of Trainspotting & the Last Exorcism?
Meeting up with friends over the Christmas New Year twilight zone often turns into an extended session and so it proved when a much postponed meeting took place last Sunday. The meal itself? Rather salty and disappointing. To be fair, the desserts where very nice and I took a subdued bite of each. It being a new year and all I’m trying to reduce my intake of sweet things.
The company? Spot on. One of the good things about not seeing some people for a while is the catching up, and in the case of Tinkerbell and Taylor this is one of life’s pleasures. The wine, dessert wine and beer did flow and the conversation digressed and flowed like one of Ronnie Corbett’s monologues. And so it was that a ‘back to ours’ ensued.
sunday girl
This was the first time of our friend’s new home and I have to say that when you have a sofa like theirs it is very hard to get up once your bum lands on it. This is fine on a Sunday before a Bank Holiday Monday as time seems to slow down. This was a lovely lazy Sunday vibe and the choice of the home cinema experience led to a suggestion of Trainspotting by me. Now I must say that The 39 Steps, The Maltese Falcon or other nostalgic fare are usually my definition of Sunday movies, but the suggestion of Trainspotting bought a glint to the eye. Old enough to look back on, exciting enough to stay awake for and powerful enough to produce emotion.
So it proved that we all enjoyed Danny Boyle's second feature. It felt fresh and I think bought back some ‘time and place’ memories to us all.
So onto the completely random choice of The Last Exorcism, or should I say Elli Roth presents the Last Exorcism, or should I say Carry on Exorcising.
This so called scary movie was a cross between Rosemary’s Baby: The high School years, The Blair Witch 2 electric boogaloo with a strong dose of The Office meets Carry on screaming; I half expected to see Kenneth Williams and Gareth Keenan doing bad American accents nor would I have been surprised to see a zombie David Brent pop up and do his silly dance.
This blend of reconstituted tripe was as scary as a pair of those joke plastic vampire teeth that do the rounds over Halloween. Oh how we needed the Snow balls and Cadbury’s celebrations that popped up during the interval. Watching ERPTLE reminded me of the days of going to see Ed woods finest at the rotten Tomatoes all nighters at the old Scala on Tottenham Street.Once everyone was on the same page we all joined in with some witty critique.
do you mind if i smoke?
So it was with full tummies and slightly over relaxed bodies we departed. I love days like this one, meeting up, supping, chatting and dining; anything can happen, even a double bill of the great and the god awful.