1980Heaven's Gate (USA: Michael Cimino, 1980: 149 mins)Dawson, Mike.
"Misunderstood Cinema: Heaven's Gate." Left Field Cinema (March 18, 2009)
Raging Bull (USA: Martin Scorsese, 1980: 129 mins)"A Life in Pictures: Martin Scorsese." BAFTA (April 6, 2011)
1981My Dinner with Andre (USA: Louis Malle, 1981: 110 mins)Nayman, Adam.
"Beyond Words: Old Joy and My Dinner With Andre." Reverse Shot #29 (2011)
1982Blade Runner (USA/Hong Kong: Ridley Scott, 1982: 117 mins)Clute, Shannon and Richard Edwards.
"Episode 6: Blade Runner." Out of the Past: Investigating Film Noir (September 2005)
The King of Comedy (USA: Martin Scorsese, 1982: 109 mins)"A Life in Pictures: Martin Scorsese." BAFTA (April 6, 2011)
1983198419851986Stand By Me (USA: Rob Reiner, 1986: 89 mins)Condon, Emily.
"The Real Kids: Thirteen and Stand By Me." Reverse Shot #29 (2011)
19871988Chocolat (France/West Germany/Cameroon: Claire Denis, 1988: 105 mins)Wood, Robin.
"Claire Denis: Cinema of Transgression, Part 1." Film International (April 1, 2011)