1990Goodfellas (USA: Martin Scorsese, 1990: 146 mins)"A Life in Pictures: Martin Scorsese." BAFTA (April 6, 2011)
1991Barton Fink (USA: Joel and Ethan Coen, 1991: 116 mins)"Barton Fink (1991)." Watching Theology (September 11, 2007)
The Double Life of Veronique (Poland/France/Norway: Krzysztof Kieslowski, 1991: 98 mins)Pearson, Kevin.
"The Double Life of Veronique: Kieslowski and Pure Emotion." Alternate Takes (May 17, 2011)
199219931994I Can't Sleep (France/Germany/Switzerland: Claire Denis, 1994: 110 mins)Wood, Robin.
"Only (Dis)Connect; and Never Relaxez-Vous; or, I Can’t Sleep." Film International (January 27, 2011)
1995Dead Man (USA/Germany/Japan: Jim Jarmusch, 1995: 121 mins)Rosenbaum, Jonathan.
"Dead Man in 2010: A Czech Preface." (February 5, 2011)
1996Citizen Ruth (USA: Alexander Payne, 1996: 106 mins)Brill, Lesley.
"Revisiting Citizen Ruth." Film International (May 14, 2011)
Schizopolis (USA: Steven Soderbergh, 1996: 96 mins)Tobias, Scott.
"The New Cult Canon - Schizopolis The A.V. Club (June 16, 2011)
Scream (USA: Wes Craven, 1996: 103 mins)Dawson, Mike.
"Analysis: Is Scream a Parody, Pastiche, or Post Modern Thriller?" Left Field Cinema (February 27, 2009)
19971998Ringu (Japan: Hideo Nakata, 1998: 96 mins)Jarvis, Brian.
"Anamorphic allegory in The Ring, or, seven ways of looking at a horror video." Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies #3 (November 2007)
Ozawa, Eimi.
"Remaking Corporeality and Spatiality: U.S. Adaptations of Japanese Horror Films." 49th Parallel (Autumn 2006)
Xu, Gang Gary.
"Remaking East Asia, Outsourcing Hollywood." Senses of Cinema (November 2004)
The Thin Red Line (USA: Terrence Malick, 1998: 170 mins)Bellamy, Jason and Ed Howard.
"Conversations: Terrence Malick, Part One. The House Next Door (May 28, 2011)
1999Beau travail (France: Claire Denis, 1999: 92 mins)Vicari, Justin.
"Colonial fictions: Le Petit Soldat and its revisionist sequel, Beau Travail." Jump Cut #50 (2008)
Fight Club (USA: David Fincher, 1999: 139 mins)Eig, Jonathan.
"A beautiful mind(fuck): Hollywood structures of identity." Jump Cut #46 (2003)
The Sixth Sense (USA: M. Night Shyamalan: 107 mins)Eig, Jonathan.
"A beautiful mind(fuck): Hollywood structures of identity." Jump Cut #46 (2003)