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Hypocritical Hippies

The modern hippy; is there a more hypocritical and misguided species?
Ever since the dawn of intellect man has looked for meaning in their short spell on the planet. Religion, belief systems, political faith ‘isms’ all have been used to give a feeling of purpose. Yes we are more than animals therefore higher ambition should exist.
Eco Warrior 1
The modern Hippy looks for enlightenment by rejecting the status quo; rejecting with caveats though.
Eco Warrior 2
I have plenty of respect for the woman I saw on BBC 3 who lived in a hut in the forest and made zero demands on the welfare system, rich parents or the amorphous system. The issue for me is that the modern hippy get’s bamboozled by the drip-drip of anti establishment pie in the sky.
Yurts, WOOFing, Chi tea, tree hugging, Whittling, Camping, Veganism and meditation are a replacement for facing up to reality when they are only used for effect. It’s remarkable how contradictory some of these characters are.
Eco warrior 3
Rejection of the so called ‘normal’ society, but using the welfare system. Yet they preach about the average working person (who is paying for their dole money) as being corporate drones.
Rejection of consumerism, but buying lovely new iMacs and iPhones thus contributing to land fill and non degradable production, as well as the construction of radio masts and more bits of metal floating in space. Yet they lecture those of us who like to buy ‘stuff’ as being uncaring.
The pot smoking culture is pervasive, but it feeds into the illegal drug industry that causes misery, crime, prostitution and extreme poverty. Yet they will bang on about those that drink a can of Coke as being rapists of morality.
The clapped out cars and campervans they drive around in (often bought by their middle class parents) pollute the atmosphere just as much if not more than those who buy new cars. Yet they drone on about the environment.
They fly to Ibiza and Goa on a regular basis to find themselves, yet overlook the carbon footprint and exploitation of the locals.
The bell tents state of the art camping equipment, snowboards, skis and other sundries are bought by those that supposedly hate those of us who buy the evil brands of the global economy.
And when things go pear shaped you won’t find them sleeping rough down by the Embankment, no, they will go home to mum and dad and benefit from free electricity, free gas, free broadband, free SKY TV, free use of the family washing machine, free heating, no community charge, no food bills and they can conveniently forget to pay their nominal rent. They can also get a ‘job’ sorting out their parent’s garden over the summer.
Eco Warrior 4
But even when at home benefitting from their loving parent/s they will pontificate, like hormonal teenagers about how ‘at one’ and righteous they are.
Of course the original West coast hippies who enjoyed the summer of love, free love and draft dodging, became business men and capitalists; reality set in. Selling their alternative wares to the highest bidder. Those that didn’t may have gone to live in a tree somewhere and for that I give my respect. If you choose to reject society and invest in nature then do it and you can rest easy that your conscience is clear in your alternative life style choice.
Eco Warrior 5
Those that only talk the talk, but live with the safety net firmly in place are the worst of all; they are hypocrites, and hypocrisy is one of the most toxic of the human conditions. Hypocritical Hippies; gawd help us!