Jon Stewart, Bill O'Reilly debate rapper CommonJon Stewart, left, and Bill O'Reilly in a special debate about the rapper Common's invite to the White House for a poetry event. (CBS/The O'Reilly Factor) It's not often you hear a hot debate over poetry, but that's what Bill O'Reilly and Jon Stewart ... read more
Bill O'Reilly Responds to Jon Stewart Slamming Fox News Over Common Controversy
JON STEWART, HOST, "THE DAILY SHOW": Basically what Common appears to be saying is, hey, you know that violence I was talking about earlier in my poem? Let's end that in our communities so our dreams can come true. It's a call for peace. O'REILLY: OK ... read more
Sell Your Script | Architect Barbie | Don't Miss This
Real architects were hired as consultants. They are now in a competition to build her a “Dream House.” TVNewser: Two segments of Bill O'Reilly's interview with Jon Stewart over the Common controversy will air on O'Reilly's show tonight. ... read more