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If there is a glamorous side to traveling and teaching...

Unpacking when you get home...

has to be the un-glamorous side~

I spent the day in the Thread Shed
Trying to get unpacked, organized & ready for my next class

Remember this photo from my travels in Idaho?

It takes a 4 wheel drive pick up to get all my teaching gear on the road to teach 5 classes in two weeks.

Now that I am home...
All that "stuff" has to go back where it belongs.

The first step was to take it out of the pick up...

And, unload it all in the Thread Shed...

Come on in and see what I have ahead of me today

Yes, it was difficult just getting inside...

This view really gets your blood pumping...

At this point, I was ready to run out of the room screaming...

But, I remembered a few fun things, packed in those containers, that I found treasure hunting in our travels....

I am a strong advocate of shopping at thrift stores & garage sales.
Here is what I brought home on this trip:

Vintage Metal Tool Boxes

These are incredible for storing and organizing small supplies & notions in your sewing room...

CLICK HERE to see what I use them for

Leaf Wall Paper & Copper Leaf Light switch Plates

These will find their way into Mixed Media Quilts

CLICK HERE to view Mixed Media work

Scraping Tools
These will scrape paint off fabric & paper

Wooden Letters

I plan to use these for sun dyeing on fabric

CLICK HERE to view sun dyeing

Quilt Pounce.....Iron-Off Powder
For Marking your Quilting Lines on Fabric

CLICK HERE to see how I use Quilt Pounce

Silicone Bake Ware
The Thrift Stores are flooded with this stuff
I don't plan to bake with it...

I plan to stamp with it...
When you turn it over, there is a flat surface to apply paint, then stamp on fabric or paper.

CLICK HERE to view stamping

Metal Iron Trivet
Found at an Antique Store in Idaho for $1
When I teach, I carry my travel iron.
This metal trivet is lightweight and can travel with the iron.

Peacock Feathers
Perfect for Jello Printing & Sun Dyeing

CLICK HERE to see Jello Printing

CLICK HERE to see sun Dyeing

Bass Rubber Fish

This was easily my favorite treasure of the trip!
I plan to use it for jello printing and stamping...

Found at garage sale for 50 cents
It was one of those talking fish mounted on a wooden board.
Brad removed it from the board for me!

So.....I spent my day, cleaning, organizing and finding treasures.
Not such a bad day after all...

This is how Gunnr spent his day...

Gunnr & The Hens

Gunnr is the very best entertainment for the chickens!

The rooster plays hide 'n seek with Gunnr...

Gunnr spends his days captivated by the chickens!

I made time to enjoy the Hollyhocks now in bloom!

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,