"My personal style is fresh to death. Have you ever been to the supermarket? You know the produce section, like where the food is fresh? That's my style."
-Paul "DJ Pauly D" Delvecchio -"Life & Style"

Wow. I always thought Paris, Milan, and New York City were the style meccas. I'm sorry. Apparently I owe Pathmark some press. I will totally cover the runway show in Aisle 6 this spring, I promise. I just hope I'm "fresh to death" enough to get a front row seat...
Ok, enough. I am now going to retract my claws and do what I'm here to do... I'm not even sure of what that is right now... Apparently, hell has frozen over and I'm actually writing about the disaster that is "The Jersey Shore".... Here goes.
Life and Style magazine has done the impossible and made-over the cast of The Jersey Shore . Rendering them fashionable enough for one of NYC's hottest clubs, Greenhouse. And although it's a VAST improvement, the article itself smells of the deli section...a wee bit cheesy. What they basically did was dress each cast member up as a current media darling. I'm not "J Wowwed" by it, but it is an improvement.


Photo Courtesy of "Just Jared"
Here's a breakdown:
Sammi and Ronnie: "Brangelina"
J Woww: "Megan Fox"
The Situation: "Jake Gyllenhaal"
Snooki: "Kim Kardashian"
Pauly D: "Taylor Lautner"
Vinny: "Justin Timberlake"
Read The Full Article: Here
Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo