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I am still unpacking from our trip...

Below is a demo piece I created in a rust dyeing class in Idaho

I demonstrated soaking the fabric in vinegar, how to wrap up the rusty object, then packed this up in a plastic bag...

It brewed in the heat in the back of the pick up for nearly a week while we traveled.
Absolutely perfect conditions for rust dyeing!

I unwrapped the bundle, removed the rusty metal, then soaked it in baking soda for a few hours...

It is now washed, dried and pressed...

I will add this to my rust dyed fabric collection!

CLICK HERE to view more Rust Dyeing

One of the pit falls of traveling with your teaching equipment:

Things can really take a beating, packing and unpacking.

I travel with 4 of these thread boxes that I use in my machine quilting demos.
This box just didn't quite do the job keeping the threads in order...

Lucky for me I had a birthday recently...

My Anny Donna surprised me with new thread boxes:
When I arrived in Idaho, she had these boxes waiting for me!

The dividers hold the spools in place beautifully.

She found these in the fishing department of her local hardware store.

CLICK HERE to view more on the Threads I use

I unpacked a few demo pieces I created in classes during our trip:

Gel Glue Resist
Class Sample from Idaho Class

The paint is now cured and I can throw this piece in the washing machine to remove the glue...

CLICK HERE to view more on Gel Glue Resist

Painted Cheesecloth

A by-product of sun dyeing...

Cheesecloth on Painted Fabric
Class Sample from Idaho class

Upper portion is the cheesecloth, lifted off the fabric, after drying in the sun

CLICK HERE to view more on Sun Dyeing

Sun Dyeing - Leaf
Class Sample Print

I created this as a demo in Idaho in a Sun Dyeing Class

I really like it, but I think I have made more work for myself...
I do believe I will have to finish this piece at some point.

Paint Testing Cloth

When painting fabric, I test the colors of paint on a cloth.
This is the result of testing setacolor paints.

I see Monet's Flower Garden in this cloth...

The Glads are in bloom by the Thread Shed

CLICK HERE to view more FLOWER images

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,