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Shutter Island

Shutter Island is another Scorsese Di Caprio Collaboration, following on from Gangs of New York, The Aviator and the Departed. It has much in common with The Shinning and Jacob’s ladder and a touch of The Truman Show.

It’s a movie that has a discomforting effect on the viewer as it has a disjointed quality as a result of Scorsese using deliberate continuity errors. The twist, such as it is, does not define the purpose of the movie and its final scene leaves one thinking about the choice being made by DiCaprio’s character. Ben Kingsley and Mark Ruffalo are excellent as key members of the Islands population.
Scorsese has made a film that doesn’t look like a Scorsese film and gets under the skin of the main characters mind while drawing you into a mystery that turns out to be of a completely different kind. There is a disquieting feeling about the film that has shades of David Lynch and old school Hollywood Noir. These elements are balanced by sharp editing by the ever excellent Thelma Schoonmaker.

Di Caprio has consistently grown as an actor and Scorsese shows just how talented he still is in what is, on the face of it a scary B Movie. Hidden depths await the viewer though. There are clues throughout as to the final denouement of the movie and focus is needed; this is vital as you are drawn into the world of the Island and its 'residents'.

I won’t talk too much more about the movie as I would hope that you make time to watch it, and I may reveal more than I should.If you want to feel challenged, entertained, scared and discombobulated watch Shutter Island.