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Raffle Quilt Top, Flowers & Pies...

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I thought I would share a few images of what September is to me...

Enjoying the last of the flowers...

Spider Dahlia

Spider Dahlia


Dinner Plate Dahlias

As always, please enjoy using my photography in your personal art work.
I am always happy to share the beauty...

September has also found me with a deadline:

Raffle Quilt

I need to jazz up this quilt top a bit, some applique' perhaps?
Something to grab your attention from across the room...
Make you want to look closer...
and buy a ticket to win this quilt.

I am on my way out to the Thread Shed to design something.
I will take the camera along so you can watch the design process.
More to come...

September has found me in the kitchen...

When the apples begin to fall from the trees,
It is time to heat up the oven and bake a few pies.

Two apple pies hot from the oven...
We delivered one to our Gramma who turned 91 in September!

Our youngest son came home yesterday just in time to harvest blackberries along the river banks...

This morning there are blackberry pies cooling

What does September find in you?

CLICK HERE to view Jello Printing Slideshow

CLICK HERE to view my Mixed Media

CLICK HERE to view Fabric Painting

May Your Bobbin Be Full of September,