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Fabric Paper and Freezing Weather...

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Fabric Paper
This piece is made with a muslin base, stained tea bag papers, newspaper print, white tissue paper on top.....and very watered down elmer's glue.

Not sure where I plan to go next with this piece.
Perhaps some walnut ink washed over the top?
Maybe some stamped images?
I am not ready to quilt it yet......it wants something more.
I am listening to it....

Fabric Paper

Muslin base, magazine papers, cheesecloth on top......held together with watery elmer's glue.

Textile Fabric paint.....Tulip spray paint green on edges to create a border and gold orange in the middle section.

I think I will stamp a big image of a bird next??

To see more posts on Fabric Paper CLICK HERE

Leaves in the flowerbeds at 23 degrees this morning

Frozen Leaves

As always, I have uploaded these images at high resolution.
Please feel free to use them in your artwork.
I would love to see what you do with them!

Frozen Cattle at 23 Degrees this morning

The calves saw Brad pull down the driveway with a load of hay.
They came to the fence here in front of the house to let us know they wanted some of that hay!

Frosty & Bright in Western Oregon

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

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